Purdue University
The Purdue MS NCKU BS Dual Degree Programs (the Program), a 3+1+1 cooperative bachelor’s and master’s degree program, is an international cooperation in education established between NCKU and Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. Students admitted to this program complete the first three years of the four year Bachelor of Science program at NCKU, and complete the 4th year in Engineering at Purdue University. Qualified students are awarded Bachelor of Science degrees by NCKU and may advance their study in graduate programs of Engineering to obtain their master’s degrees with one additional year at Purdue University. Participating departments include Mechanical Engineering (ME), Electrical Engineering (EE), and Computer Science Information Engineering (CSIE) on the side of NCKU, and the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering of Purdue University This special project is approved and overseen by the Ministry of Education.
Purdue Faculty’s Co-teaching Courses at NCKU
The Program has arranged for one co taught course by both Purdue faculty and NCKU faculty in the 2nd semester of the freshman, sophomore, and junior years, respectively, to introduce the teaching style of Purdue University to students early with reasonably added extra course loading. Credits earned from the co-taught courses will count toward the bachelor degrees awarded by the departments.
Study Tour and Visit to Purdue University in the First Summer*
The Program has arranged a study tour to Purdue University in the first summer for the students to take one course co taught by both Purdue faculty and NCKU faculty. On this tour, company visits and campus visits will be organized for the students to observe real operating environments. Cultural activities will also be included Credits earned from this co-teaching course will count toward the bachelor degrees awarded by the departments.
*Courses will be delivered online namely, learning remotely or teaching remotely will be applied, IF international travels are not safe and practical for the students and the faculty, taking into account the development of the COVID 19 pandemic during the period of any given course.
The Program has launched its own scholarship program, namely the Distinguished Domestic Student Scholarship for the NCKU-PURDUE Dual Degree Programs of National Cheng Kung University to provide financial awards to the top performers, who are admitted through a variety of channels for domestic students. The amount of NTD 100,000 per semester will be provided to each awardee, to encourage her or his continued excellent performance throughout the undergraduate portion of the Program.
Purdue Engineering Online Courses (PEOC)
Students will take one 3 credit course from the catalogue of the PEOC in the 1st or 2nd semester of the 3rd year to have a head start in their academic education at Purdue. The course selection must be approved by your Program Advisor in advance to guarantee that the 3 credit points earned from the PEOC will count toward the bachelor degrees awarded by your departments. Students may take more than one PEOC with a prior consent of your Program Advisor, and will be required to pay the tuition by credit hours.
Course Information
Purdue Engineering Online Courses are offered by 17 schools with a current total of 251 courses